
Where Timna sites are located

One way into the data is through the locations of archeological sites This query does that for all the sites but could be adapted (on lines *xx* and *xx* TBD) to look for other places or regions. PREFIX wd: <> PREFIX wdt: <> PREFIX p: <> PREFIX ps: <> PREFIX geo: <>

SELECT DISTINCT ?entity ?entityLabel ?coordinate WHERE {

 ?entity rdfs:label ?entityLabel .
 FILTER (lang(?entityLabel) = "en")
 FILTER (STRSTARTS(?entityLabel, "Site"))
 FILTER (STRSTARTS(STR(?entity), ""))
 ?entity wdt:P28 ?coordinate . } 


    1. defaultView:Map

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When Timna excavations took place

One way into the data is through the dates the archeological excavations took place. This query does that for CTV of 2024 but could be adapted (on lines *xx* and *xx* TBD) to look for different dates.

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This query returns members of the CTV excavations. As such it is a relatively straightforward query.

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